Attendee Profiles

PHP South Africa 2017s


Once again this year, a core theme at the PHP SA 2017 Conference has been the importance of getting involved in OpenSource projects. This is why we have dusted off our yearly humorous educational project.

If you have been thinking about getting involved in OpenSource but the whole exercise seems daunting, we invite you to sign up a GitHub Account and submit a Pull Request to the the phpsa-2017-profiles project (the code that generates this page) as a way to get you started.


This year was a huge success! Thank you to everyone involved for your hard work, great feedback and hilarious trolling. This project will definitely be back next year.

A special congratulations to Duwayne Brown who won a PHP Storm license for his excellent contributions this year. Thanks to the conference organisers and JetBrains for sponsoring this surprise prize.

The conference is over and Pull Requests are now closed.
If, however, you have any ideas or suggestions for next year please feel free to open an Issue - I'd love to hear from you


The idea is to provide a safe environment in which to practice the mechanics of contributing to a GitHub project in order to break down one more barrier between you and one of the world's most addictive hobbies.
If you're already an open source contributor/maintainer, this is also a great platform to recommend projects for other attendee to get involved in.

By submitting a profile, you also get an opportunity introduce yourself and jump into the all-important "Hallway Track"

Most importantly, though, its fun to hack away at some code over the week

Please Note: While not expressly forbidden, profile submissions to this project are probably not going to win you any conference prizes. Larger framework submissions may though.

Once you've gotten your feet wet by submitting your first pull request, we recommend that you go have a look at Digital Ocean's Hacktoberfest initiative

You may also want to look at in this project if you'd like to continue to contribute here...


GitHub Stickers
This year we have stickers! Once you have had your Pull Request accepted, go say hi to Brad Mostert and he'll give you a GitHub sticker.
There are the Standard Die-Cut Stickers for profile submissions as well as a selection of their custom stickers available to more interesteing submissions!


So we've done this twice before...


At the PHP Craft Conference 2015 the contributors of this project played a little joke.

The 2015 conference organisers had decided to hold a competition to win a JetBrains PHPStorm license. To enter, attendees simply had to submit a Pull Request... to any OpenSource project. So we created a project!

Everyone was disqualified... :)


At the 2016 conferenece we tried to go legitimate to see if we could get away with it. We did. Zander was grumpy with us. It was hilarious


This year, the aim is to go even bigger. If we make a success once again, this will officially become a PHP SA tradition!


In Memory

Dale Attree

In memory of Dale Attree. Friend, co-worker, mentor and resident extrovert developer

Dale Attree